
Northern  California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers) is a unique, small but mighty group founded over three decades ago in Shasta County by Carl Bracy and others.  We are a chapter of the American Society of Dowsers and have been honored to receive many awards.  We practice and teach all forms of dowsing, as well as other modalities, for the benefit of the environment and all of its components and constituents.  

Some services include: locating water, minerals and potential well sites; finding lost organisms and other items of value; elimination of negative aspects e.g. clearing spaces, energetic adjustments, ghost busting, etc.; treasure hunting; obtaining answers, teaching, literature, tools, , etc.  Many of us have a deep interest in the physical and metaphysical sciences, consciousness upliftment, increasing self awareness, supporting personal development, etc. 

Nor Cal Dowsers
PO Box 492445
Redding, California 96049

Jeannette, President NCD


Barney Turner, Vice President NCD  


  1. Barbara Gill
    September 12, 2013

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    I just wanted to know if the group has heard the information coming from Raymon Grace about X Energy, what it is and how to deal with it? It’s pretty interesting stuff. I’m not sure if it’s explained on any of his websites. I came across it on his facebook page, “Raymon Grace Appreciation Group”. It’s something recent that he’s been sharing at his workshops.

    • MarjorieD
      September 17, 2013

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      Hi Barbara, Thank you for the information. I found Raymon Grace’s FB page and downloaded the information. Barney is looking at it. Appreciate your passing it along. Marjorie

    • Kalena
      January 18, 2018

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      I was wondering if the West coast dowsers conference was going to happen. I had spoken to a couple of people who would love to present/speak.

      • admin
        February 9, 2018

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        Dear Kalena,
        Just reading your email now. Sorry for the delay. Yes, the Dowsers West Coast Conference is occurring June 29th – July 3rd. Dick Tippett is handling the presenters. Hope this helps. Who might be interested in being a speaker?

  2. Barney Turner
    October 1, 2013

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    I read Raymonds article and then checked my own house and family and found that there is a negative x-energy laying low on every thing and it’s like a soft parasite energy. Not one you feel even if you know that it’s there. The good news is that it’s easy to remove with Dowsing system. I asked the Univeral Truth (God) to remove all this negative x-energy from myself and all family members and my home and all surrounding areas while holding a penulum or a bobber. It doesn’t take but a couple of minutes to completely remove it.
    God bless Barney

  3. jerry duncan
    May 10, 2014

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    We have 20 acres in Laytonville and we used a “witcher “and had Weeks Drilling do the dig. They went to 220 ft. and told us it was dry hole. We “feel” that the witcher chose 2 places that were most easy to get the drill to. Can u help us? We have a map and the 2 places the witcher chose.

    • admin
      May 21, 2014

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      Hi Jerry,
      My names Barney Turner I’m the VP of our chapter in Redding,Ca.
      Please send me a copy of the maps and address so I can Map dowse the property and I’ll let you know where the water is and maybe we can bring water to the hole they just dug if they didn’t fill in back in. Some times a digger will drift and miss. My e-mail address is Send me your information and we will see how we can help you.

  4. Michelle Pritchard
    September 10, 2014

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    Hi, I m looking for big help for a family. They are living with demonic energy in thier house. They are trying to leave. Are there ways that can stop it from following them to thier new place? Can not find help out there. Desperate! any information is so appreciated.

    • admin
      September 22, 2014

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      Hi Michelle,
      Yes we can help the family. I need their name and address and their permission to do this work for them. If it is an negative enitite we will help them get the Celestial Medical help and send them to the light. You can contact me at 530-474-1938
      Barney Turner

  5. Anthony
    September 17, 2014

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    I met you at the physic fair at winriver and you introduced me to a associate with a energy board. I think his name is Vedo. I promised that I would call him back with how I was doing after his treatment but lost his business card. I was hoping you may be able to kelp me get in contact with him. thankyou Anthony Hope to be at the next meeting at the library

  6. admin
    September 22, 2014

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    Anthony, I talked to G and he said he sent you the information thru an e-mail.
    If you didn’t get it maybe it’s in your junk mail. G is going to send it to you again and if it does come to you thru your j-mail send it to your inbox to make sure you get future information from us and G

  7. Jeff "Tiger" Bewkes
    November 6, 2014

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    Does anyone there do map, photo or on-site dowsing? I need your help in locating something. I believe in dowsing. I have asked a psychic for help in the past, with some success. Now, I really need to have closure on some projects. 541-601-7663 Medford, Or. Treasure Hunters Unlimited Thank you.”Tiger”

    • admin
      November 9, 2014

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      Hi Jeff,
      Myself and others in or group do map dowsing and on site dowsing.
      You can contact me at with any questions.
      Barney Turner

  8. Bianca Childs
    August 13, 2015

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    Hello, I’m looking for professional dowser in Oakland area. This is regarding home – furniture/bed placements . You can email me or call me at 805-895-8537. Thank you,

    • admin
      August 24, 2015

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      Hi Bianca, I left you a voice mail but if you didn’t read it you can contact Shirley Runco at 510-278-3136 or She is a master dowser and can help you with what every needs you have

  9. Tim
    November 20, 2016

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    Dear Tim,
    Thanks for the app “new mapping for dowsers” & also sharing Earth Energy Dowsers info for everyone. Some members are already enjoying.

    Hi Nor Cal Dowsers Blog Team, I just wanted to let people know about a new mapping app for dowsers. It is called Dowsing Mapper ( There is also a website for Earth Energy dowsers to share their results (

  10. Linda Schreiber
    July 21, 2017

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    Do you have a membership program? If so, do you have dues and if so, how much? Who is in charge of membership?

    • admin
      February 9, 2018

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      Hello Linda,
      Just received your email. Sorry for the late reply. We do not have a yearly fee, but are grateful for people’s donations at our meeting as it helps support our speakers and pays for club supplies. We encourage joining the American Society of Dowsers. (

  11. Lorri
    November 22, 2017

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    I have a friend who is looking for a professional dowser in Shasta county that can help him find the best place to put a well on his property. Thank you Lorri

    • admin
      February 9, 2018

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      Dear Lorri,
      Just received your email, sorry for the delay. Is your friend still looking for a well dowser? We have several people in our club who do this.

  12. Todd Alpert
    December 31, 2017

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    So here it is , I joined the Gold Prospectors of America , I than joined a club Inland empire gold prospector CA , While at Big Bear
    at the Holcomb miners claim I was shown Dowsing by a Native American, Charles Jajalo Known as Rhino , because while dowsing he found 2 Rhino bones in BigBear , any way I was given some L rods to use, he first measured my power i was at 15 using L rod

    Since than much has changed in the short time of just a year

    I need assistance in the heal which is known as wellness , part of dowsing I check each of the 9 word though i only know 7 , other 2 are just 1 2 until i am able to discover them ConMind , unConMind , Heart , Emotional , Spirit ,
    Soul , Shade

    So was looking for people to talk with my skill is pretty high most people are not above my power level an i am able to heal them so long as the rods say its okay , some people it says not to heal , because they need to do something in life to correct something wrong from what i can understand

    watch reading other people dowsing i dont see very much asking just a lot of doing there are dangers that can effect your shade an your chain , Divinity an Body

    any ways looking to talk with people about this

    • admin
      February 10, 2018

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      Dear Todd,
      Just received your email, sorry for the delay. Congratulations on your discovery of responsible dowsing and expedited learning curve. Glad you have a protocol of asking permission to assist someone. In dealing with wellness; it’s also been my experience that health is personal and there are karmic responsibilities for all parties involved. Similarly, Walt Woods wrote about the “May I” “Can I” & “Should I” protocol in his books and would talk about it during his lectures. We have a dowser’s meeting Sun., Feb 18th at 1:30pm.(See Attachments). You may be interested in coming. We have a number of people who’ve been dowsing for a long time, who will be at our next meeting. Also, if you’re interested in being on our email list or fb page, then let us know. One of our members is also part of the Gold Prospectors club. Our main founder, the late Carl Bracy, of Nor Cal Dowsers would say that many people get into dowsing for their personal wellness….Dowsing is spiritual awareness. I hope this email finds you well.
      Jeannette & NCD Team

  13. Sam
    July 25, 2018

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    Hello, I’m looking for professional dowser in the Santa Barbara area for a 3 acre orchard. Please email me a website or referral: can’t find equivalent!. Thank you,

    • admin
      October 16, 2018

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      Dear Sam,
      I’m just reading your email. Do you still need a dowsers?

  14. Rob Groh
    July 4, 2019

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    Can you refer me to someone in Ontario Canada?
    Much appreciated.

    • admin
      October 25, 2019

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      Dear Rob,
      Specifically what do you need assistance with please?

  15. Dana Martin
    July 11, 2019

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    Was curious if I could get on your email list. Dana Martin, email would really like to learn dowsing. Total novice, and if outsiders are welcome? At Redding ca.

    • admin
      October 25, 2019

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      Hello Dana,
      Yes, please come to our dowser meeting this Saturday, October 26th at 12:30pm for basic dowsing and 1pm for an interactive presentation.

  16. Nakala Akasie
    December 30, 2019

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    There was a map dowser that I can’t remember his name. Raymond and I bought a DVD…of course I can’t find it, now. What was that guys name and is he still in the body?
    Love, Nakala

    • admin
      February 7, 2020

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      Carl Bracy is in non corporeal form and was the co-founder of Nor Cal Dowsers almost 30 years ago. Yes we have DVDs available. Thanks for asking.

  17. Terry Klunk
    May 4, 2021

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    I’m looking for a link to the recording of Sharry Hope’s March presentation on Psychic Dowsing. Could you tell me where I might find it? It was a great presentation and I really hoped to be able to watch it again (and maybe again!). Thanks so much for
    your help.
    Happy Dowsing!

    • admin
      April 6, 2022

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      Hello Terry,
      Just reading this now. Did you ever get to view Sharry’s Psychic Dowsing? Do you remember where she presented? Sharry’s website: .

    • admin
      January 27, 2023

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      Hello Terry,
      Not sure if I ever responded. Visit or email her at for for further information.
      Happy New Year.

  18. Ann Bender
    February 28, 2022

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    I’d like to belong to your NorCal society. I’m a Dowser located in Elk Grove, CA. I teach our beloved skill and make dowsing rods. It would be nice to be a part of a group of like minded Dowsers.


    Ann Bender

    • admin
      April 6, 2022

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      Hello Ann,
      Sorry for the late reply. We have a meeting this Saturday and May 21st in Redding. Any particular specialty of dowsing that you like? Do you water dowse?

    • admin
      January 27, 2023

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      Hello Ann,
      We’ll be having meetings again soon. I’ve added you to our email list, check spam to make sure that it’s not hiding in there in the next couple of weeks.

  19. Sarah Campbell
    October 26, 2022

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    Hello, I’m looking for a professional dowser near Oakhurst, CA (Sierra foothills, near Yosemite). This will be to help us narrow down a spot before drilling a well on 40 acres.
    Thank you,

    • admin
      January 27, 2023

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      Hello Sarah,
      Sorry just getting to this now. Do you still need a dowser?

    February 18, 2023

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    How wonderful to find your group. I’d like to belong to your NorCal society. I’m a brand new student of Dowsing, and I’m located in Oakland , CA. I have a good book, some pendulums and dowsing rods. It would be nice to be a part of a group I could learn/share with.



    • admin
      March 3, 2023

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      Welcome to the world of dowsing. What brings your interest in dowsing? Would you like to be put on our email list for meetings? Thanks,Jeannette

  21. ken rogers
    March 6, 2023

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    looking for help locating a ag well in the yreka Ca, area

    • admin
      March 13, 2023

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      Need more info Ken. Call 530.222.2024. Thanks, Jeannette

  22. Tres
    August 14, 2023

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    Will you please add me to the mailing list? Thank you

    • admin
      August 22, 2023

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      Will do.

    • admin
      October 24, 2023

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      Done. Please check your email folder and let us know if you received it. Thanks. Jeannette

  23. Veronica Johnson
    March 3, 2024

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    Hello Jeanette, I attended Sandee Mac’s presentation on 2/18 and left my email in the chat. I was hoping to be sent her replay in addition to being on the list for Sandee’s scheduled talk on 3/21 (??). I would like to review the 2/18 talk to be better prepared for the next one. I am assuming that the replay has been posted but if not, would you include me with the mailing link? I am registered with the Tucson Dowsers. Thank you, Veronica Johnson

    • admin
      April 20, 2024

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      Let me know if you were able to get the email with all of Sandee’s excellent presentation. Thanks.

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