Pearl’s of Wisdom


Spring – Summer 2024

“Keep smiling and laughing it’s the best medicine.” – Pearl

Winter 2023 – 2024

“Happy 101st birthday Pearl!  What’s the secret?  Choose to be happy and healthy.” – Pearl

Spring – 2023

“It’s best to be able to bend like a bamboo; be flexible with changes and strong in life.” – Pearl

“Ground yourself with putting your feet in mud.” – Pearl

Winter  – 2022

“Choose Health!”— Pearl

Summer – Fall 2021

“Red wine is good for the blood.” — Pearl

“I don’t have any reason to be sick.” — Pearl

“Whenever the time is right, is the right time.” — Pearl

July 2021

“We choose to be sick or be well. It is a choice!!!! Be well.”   Love, Pearl

June 2021

“Every morning wake up and be happy.”  -Pearl Nicolino

May 2021

“You need to celebrate your birthday everyday.” – Pearl Nicolino

“Lump it or leave it.” -Pearl Nicolino

April 2021

“Dowsing and numerology have both benefited me in my life.” -Pearl Nicolino

March 2021

“Don’t live with Fear.” -Pearl Nicolino

Feb 2021 
“Every day you wake up give thanks for another day to explore life!!!!  Choose to be happy.  Give thanks for friends and family.  Good wine and a warm home to spend time in.” Love and Hugs, Pearl Nicolino

Jan 2021 
“You don’t think I’ve lived this long for nothing.” -Pearl Nicolino

“You’ve got to know how to deal and wheel.”- Pearl Nicolino

Dec 2020
“You don’t think I’ve lived this long for nothing.” -Pearl Nicolino

“You’ve got to know how to deal and wheel.”- Pearl Nicolino

Some Pearl’s of Wisdom 98th Birthday (2020)
“Include Fun and Laughter in your daily routine.” – Love Pearl 

Pearl’s Words of Wisdom about LOVE in your life…. by Pearl
How can I love you more? 

Do I water your seeds of suffering?
Do I water your seeds of Joy?
Please tell me, How can I love you better? 


“The one thing I find that has helped me is being able to NOT RESIST! Letting go does not create stress. Stress is the thing that changes the body.” – Pearl Nicolino