Viewing: March, 2016

April 16th Speaker

Northern California Dowsers Presents “4th and 5th Dimensional Thinking”   by Laurie McDonald, Ccht. Sunday, 16 April 2016 Meeting at noon LOCATION: Shasta County Library, Community Room, 1100 Parkview Ave.,  Redding,  CA 96001 Voluntary Donation: $5-$10 suggested (not required). We welcome snacks & refreshments. Clinical Hypnotherapist Laurie McDonald, owner of True You Hypnotherapy, is the founder and organizer of the ‘Sacramento Alien Abduction and Contactee Support Group’. She is a graduate of the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute of Sacramento and was a teacher’s assistant at the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute of…

March 13th Speaker

Northern California Dowsers Presents “Hypnotic Techniques for Enhancing Your Dowsing and Your Life”   by Roger Q. Gray, CHT. Sunday, 13 March 2016 Meeting at 1:30 LOCATION: Shasta County Library, Community Room, 1100 Parkview Ave.,  Redding,  CA 96001 Voluntary Donation: $5-$10 suggested (not required). We welcome snacks & refreshments. Roger Gray is a Clinical Hypnotherapist with 28 years of experience. He is the owner of Redding Hypnosis. Roger will be sharing with you: A brief history of hypnosis How he got interested in hypnosis Examples of…