May 18th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
“How to Connect the Dots
by Environmental Medicine Principles.
Make Stress & Toxins Visible
and Create Non-Toxic Communities”
By Shanhong Lu, MD, PhD of
Mt. Shasta Integrative Medicine
Saturday, 18 May 2019
Meeting at 1pm.
Shasta County Library, Community Rm.,
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Suggested Donation: $5 – $10 (voluntary, not required)
Snacks & refreshments welcomed & appreciatedH
Dr. Shanhong Lu (3rd generation female doctor) will give a 1 hour cutting edge discovery of common dangerous chemicals, heavy metals and biotoxins, and how to systematically detect, detox, and restore our inner and outer environment. After the lecture (1-2pm), Jeffery Smith & Amy Hart’s movie “Secret Ingredients” will be featured. During this time, Dr. Lu will offer Oligoscan, which is hands a spectrophotometer revealing tissue levels of 20 minerals and 14 heavy metals and antioxidants and interpretation, (not energy testing or reflex or biofeedback). The scan costs $100 – and people must know their blood type; or $25 extra to determine blood type. Dr. Lu is helping people find root causes of decline, agitation and diseases and to live in a less toxic environment. Oligoscan will be available at the meeting or you can contact Dr. Lu directly for a consultation. For further details on Oligoscan visit oligoscan.us. Dr. Lu says, “It is time for environmental medicine.”
- Dr. Shanhong Lu is a third generation female doctor
- Certified by the American Board of Anti Aging and Regenerative Medicine
- Certified Genomic Nutritional Consultant with GX Sciences
- Member of American Academy of Environmental Medicine
- Member of Institute for Integrative Medicine
- Member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine
- Board Member of GMOscience.org
- Board Member of SharpAgain.org
- Post Doctoral Fellowship in Genetics of Hypertension at UCSF
- PhD in Human Physiology
Dr. Lu teams up with community leaders and healing practitioners, and reveals hidden root causes of chronic diseases: from brain fog, insomnia, ADD, anxiety, autism to Parkinson’s and Dementia; from weight gain to exhaustion; from auto immune diseases to cancers.
Shanhong Lu, MD, PhD, Mt. Shasta Integrative Medicine, website: www.drlumd.com email: drlu@drlumd.com & phone numbers: 530-925-0565 cell, 530-926-1000 office.
Thank You
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