September 21st Meeting

Northern California Dowsers

 American Society of Dowsers’ Chapter


“Dowsing the Divine Connection – Our Power to Manifest”

@ 1pm
by Pat Delafield

Dowser, psychic, healer, etc.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Shasta County Library, Community Rm.,
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA  96001
Suggested Donation: $5 or more (voluntary, not required).
Snacks & refreshments welcomed & appreciated.

12:30 – Doors open….Come early to learn Basic Dowsing

Our lives are changing so quickly, it seems impossible to keep up.   There are Power Sources on the Earth, we can tap into, to bring a sense of Peace and Calm. Pat Delafield’s presentation will focus on three aspects: 

  • Primary water source energy
  • Gold frequency source energy  
  • Positive and negative Vortex fields

Every day is new and full of possibilities. As dowsers, we are open to Energy and a responsibility to use our skill for the betterment of our Planet and our lives.  As we expand our Consciousness, these powerful creative forces become more available – whether we use them or not.  Dowsing methods are tools for our benefit. I will share what has worked for me.

Pat Delafield’s Bio

For 54 years, Pat has lived without a regular job. She has lived in Australia, Alaska, and Washington state and has traveled to over 30 countries. Some have called her a Free Spirit, others have questioned her reasoning. But the underlying mission was to discover how to create from her thoughts. Her quest has been for a  deep desire to Know the connection to Source and then to share it. Pat’s talk will support ways to increase your skill in manifesting.

Pat has been dowsing since early 1970.  Along with learning to dowse, she was also taught to communicate with spirit through automatic writing. Within a few years, she was communicating with spirit directly and in ‘78 started her 32 years of channeling Master teachers and guides.

Pat is President of Energy Dowsers of the Pacific Northwest in Lynnwood, WA.  She’s presented at various places around the globe including nationally at the West Coast Dowsers Conference at UC Santa Cruz, American Society of Dowsers’ Mastermind Conference Calls, and  local dowsing chapters, clubs, organizations, etc.

Pat is visiting from Washington.  If you’d like to contact her for consultation, or have her present to your organization, call or email. 

Pat Delafield’s email: or phone: 425-918-0854.    

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