June 20….Gold Country & Boston Dowsers event
Gold Country Dowsers ASD chapter in Oroville, CA Presents an online virtual meeting featuring guest speaker Beth Roszman’s “Dowsing to Build Happy Homes with Happy People” Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 2 pm
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In this fascinating session Beth will share unique dowsing approaches to assess how your home, property and space support health, daily living, wealth and relationships. She will lead participants through creative diagnostic techniques and new ways to check into a property – such as assessing the amount of love and vital life available to land, property and homes.
Beth will also share how to identify subtle energy influences and blockages causing detriment to a home, property or its occupants. Participants will receive specific dowsing statements and ways for checking into their homes, businesses and property. Beth will also share techniques to implement, once potential problems are identified.
Beth’s Bio:
Beth Roszman is an avid dowser, researcher, teacher and consultant in the esoteric healing arts. A dowser for over 18 years and ASD trustee, she uses dowsing in her work as a vibrational energy healer and business owner at www.TheIntuitiveSolution.com.
Beth has also utilized dowsing while leading teams from Fortune 500 companies and national non-profits to increase revenue, attain grants and successfully manage national science and technology conferences.
She is a certified human resource manager (SPHR) with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Psychology from the University of Kentucky. She resides in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California.
Beth Roszman’s preferred contact via talk or text is (859) 806-6847. Otherwise, email at bethroszman@yahoo.com. Website: http://www.TheIntuitiveSolution.com
Thanks ❣
Collaboration of Gold Country Dowsers (est. 1988) and Boston Dowser (est. 1985) with Nor Cal Dowsers.
Gold Country Dowsers (est. 1988) SHARRON (Sharry) HOPE BA. MA.Graduate studies in Education , Arts & Hydrogeology,Professional Dowsing Consultant since 1985 Life Member of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD), ASD “Dowser of the Year”, ASD “Paul Sevigny” award, ASD “Best Chapter of the Year” , 530-570-3697 (Cell) 530-534-3516 (Home, leave a message)Sharryhope@gmail.com
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