July 3 – 7 West Coast Dowsing Conference 24 hours a day for 5 days
Hello Nor Cal Dowsers’ Friends and Family,
We’re very excited to have the virtual West Coast Dowsing Conference of 2020 coming to you FREE via your computer, phone &/or tablet starting this Friday (July 3) at 7am (PDT) through Tuesday (July 7), 24 hours a day. All times posted will be Pacific Daylight Time. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so today! Don’t delay. Each webinar (speaker presentation) allows only 3,000 people at this time, and we have many who’ve already signed up. Sign up is achieved, and speaker presentations, times, etc. are at: http://www.dowserswestcoast.org
After the daily new 2020 presentations, classic past recordings of dowsers will play overnight. Please visit the following link to SIGN UP NOW: http://www.dowserswestcoast.org
Go to Webinar (GtW) platform
🧚🏽♀️Possible tips for a more satisfying viewing experience:
1. it may be helpful to have a more recent modem, router, computer, etc. (e.g. Modem speed higher than 76Mbps). You can check your download speed in the United States with the following link: speedtest.net.
2. Have no other apps open (ie. Zoom, Go to Meeting, etc.)
Thanks and hope that you or someone you know may benefit from this volunteer labor of love.
Blessings of Love,
Jeannette, NCD & WCC Teams
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July 8, 2020
Dear Cathy,
Hopefully you’ve been able to see the replays that will last about a week. Go to http://www.dowserswestcoast.org and click on download links. Also, the Dowsers West Coast Face Book page is constantly posting webinars to attend. Thanks, Jeannette