February 12th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
American Society of Dowsers’
“Dowsing For Your Numbers”
By Yana
Sunday, 12 February 2017
Meeting at 1:30
LOCATION: Shasta County Library, Community Rm., 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Suggested Donation: $5 (voluntary, not required).
Snacks & refreshments welcomed & appreciated.
“Dowsing For Your Numbers” By Yana
Numerology is a science of numbers, a psychology and philosophy. It offers information, knowledge and understanding. Numbers are the “Essence of all life”. They are moving energy, or vibration. Each number has a potential for light positive experiences, or dark negative experiences. They highlight qualities, strengths and challenges. Numerology offers self-awareness, self-responsibility and choice.
In this lecture we will look at numerical cycles as a foundation of life. Timing is everything. The numbers represent a force which can help you to lead a happier, healthier and more successful life.
Yana has studied numerology for the last 10 years. She has presented classes on numerology at national dowsers’ conferences, and also locally. She has done hundreds of readings, helping people with direction, and making positive choices in their lives. Yana is an international presenter, sharing her passion for wellness and problem solving. She is a natural intuitive and adept at assisting others. We are fortunate to have Yana in our local community.
To contact Yana email: yanagoc@gmail.com or call 530-492-9988.
Thank You
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