March 19th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
“Reclaiming Our World With Orgone Energy”
Sharon Daphna
Sunday, 19 March 2017
Meeting at 1:30
Shasta County Library, Community Room,
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Suggested Donation: $5 (voluntary, not required).
Snacks & refreshments welcomed & appreciated.
“Reclaiming Our World With Orgone Energy”
1. Understanding the energetic nature of geoengineering, beyond simple discussions of heavy metals
2. The frequency fence over humanity, and dismantling it with orgone energy
3. Conscious use of wireless technology to protect our health and spiritual well being
4. Accessing our personal power through the use of orgone energy devices, remembering who we are as creators of our world
5. Etheric warfare and self defense
Sharon Daphna explains the use of orgone energy in defending ourselves and our Earth against the attacks of geoengineering and energetic warfare. She makes the connection between technologies in our own cities, towns, and homes and the air pollution and drought issues that have affected California for so long. Once we understand the energetic nature of weather and the health of our atmosphere, the solution is simple! Using our own life force energy, orgone energy, discovered by Wilhelm Reich and suppressed by the US government, we have the ability to clean the air, restore natural rainfall, and even reverse deserts. Orgone energy removes pollution from the atmosphere, neutralizes electromagnetic fields (EMF), gives us the ability to live a chemtrail free life and more. It makes safer homes, improves health, and opens us up to a higher state of consciousness.
For so long, we have dwelled on the fear of heavy metals in the sky and unknowingly invited energy weapons into our own homes, disguised as convenient devices. Sharon will teach ways we can learn more conscious use of technology without going back to the Stone Age, how we can help ourselves and others with orgonite gifting, and how we are infinitely powerful creators of our world. She and her partner, Gabriel, have gifted thousands of orgonite pieces to California and Oregon, and in the process have had some encounters with extra-dimensional beings. Anti-geoengineering groups go on and on about appealing to the government to stop spraying, when in actuality, geoengineering is far more complicated than they let on. These operations go beyond weather modification into the very terraforming of our Earth and suppression of human consciousness development. Sharon will take us on a journey into the history of orgone energy, modern applications, and how orgone is the key to human ascension into higher dimensional consciousness.
Sharon Daphna – Bio
Sharon Daphna is an orgone energy worker, planetary healer, researcher, and writer from Los Angeles. She began her life as an artist and musician with a BFA from UCLA and spent many years touring and playing live music. In 2012, the severity of the worldwide geoengineering programs hit home due to finding out the connection between her health problems and the chemtrail spraying. From this point on she devoted her life to learning about and raising awareness of the weather modification programs which were damaging the environment and human health. As it became more abundantly clear that petitioning the government to stop the spraying wasn’t yielding results, she found out a real solution to removing chemtrails from the atmosphere, and so much more,with orgone energy. Since 2014, Sharon and her partner, Gabriel, have been making orgone energy devices called orgonite, and have worked to restore California’s climate and clean the air through orgonite gifting, distributing thousands of them throughout the state.
Sharon has done public talks, including panels and seminars at the 5D Event and Conscious Life Expo, and has been a guest on Beyond Belief with George Noory on Gaia TV, Jimmy Church’s “Fade to Black,” Truth Be Told with Tony Sweet on UBN, Weaponized News on 1680AM Fresno, CA, and many others. She hosted “The Activation Hour” on Talknetwork.com, featuring health, science, technology, spirituality, and guidance into the new paradigm, and also co-hosted “The View From Marrs” with Jim Marrs on Talknetwork, covering Jim’s areas of expertise. She is currently the host of The Human Frequency on American Freedom Radio, covering the war on humanity by forces beyond the government, and real life solutions to freeing ourselves from these negative influences. She is also writing her book which will unravel the layers of deception surrounding the terraforming of our world through energetic and chemical assault, and the connection to the suppression of our awakening consciousness.
She runs the websites The Chembow (thechembow.com) and the blog site “Somewhere Under the Chembow” (thechembow.tumblr.com), where she educates the public about how to use orgone energy to clean up the atmosphere and neutralize harmful EMF, and records the weather war in California in real time. Working with orgone energy to actively dismantle the geoengineering programs in California has led her to new understandings of the true nature of the energetic war on humanity, as has studying the work of Wilhelm Reich. These are ideas that Sharon conveys in her talks and writings in order to help people overcome the psychological effects of chemtrails and to become the creators of their world through accessing their minds’ power to shape their reality. Orgone energy is the gateway to a new level of consciousness, and through working with this free energy, she has been learning and sharing the spiritual awakening that could only happen in the face of such darkness.
Sharon Daphna’s contact email: fakeclouds@thechembow.com
Blog: www.thechembow.tumblr.com
Sharon’s website: www.thechembow.com
Thank you
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Elizabeth Bugler
March 5, 2017
I woke up this morning with the idea to start a “Cloud Busters” club. Where we could set goals for the month of clearing our skys and environment with orgone and our collective thought power. Then we could gather periodically to report positive testimonies and experiences and track our progress. Then a voice told me to google NorCal Dowsers and low and behold Sharon Daphna is speaking on the topic soon! Just putting this out there to see if there are any others who resonate with the idea. Thanks!
March 5, 2017
Aloha Elizabeth,
Thanks for your enthusiasm! We are doing this, as well as many others. We’re looking forward to seeing you at meeting on the 19th.
March 8, 2017
My thoughts/experience are similar! I saw a picture of our beautiful planet from space, the orgone was “loud”!
I thought about wanting more information and today I was looking at all the trails of geoengineering, I even took a picture to post it was so obvious they are not water vapor!!!! I thought and prayed for an additional solution to the toxins and how to thive in spite of it….. Here I happen to see this!!!
Prayers quickly being answered!!! Very telling! Thank you in advance Dowsers for hosting Ms. Daphna!
March 29, 2017
Dear Kim,
Thanks for your feedback to Elizabeth, Ms. Daphna & the Nor Cal Dowsers Team. We appreciate having an open forming to share.