December 17, 2023 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
a chapter of the American Society of Dowsers’
“Happy Chi”
by Jeannette
(Wellness Advocate, Hypnotherapist & Dowser, President of Nor Cal Dowsers)
Sunday 17 December 2023 at 2 P.M. PST
Shasta County Library, Community Rm. 1100
Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001.
Donations: $ 5 or more is greatly appreciated.
Feel free to bring snacks & refreshments.
Interested in getting your Chi moving and grooving to reach what you want more easily? Do you need to release any sticky chi or old trauma that no longer serves you? If you’d like to release self sabotaging patterns, behaviors, thoughts and feelings that need to be vanquished, then this presentation is for you! We will be using dowsing and other approaches to change brain wave patterns and promote positive imagery with the use of our senses and self hypnosis techniques. Let’s laugh and smile our way into self love and awareness with a focus on achieving what you want.
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