Posts By: Rachel O
December 17, 2023 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers a chapter of the American Society of Dowsers’ presents “Happy Chi” by Jeannette (Wellness Advocate, Hypnotherapist & Dowser, President of Nor Cal Dowsers) Sunday 17 December 2023 at 2 P.M. PST Location: Shasta County Library, Community Rm. 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001. Donations: $ 5 or more is greatly appreciated. Feel free to bring snacks & refreshments. Interested in getting your Chi moving and grooving to reach what you want more easily? Do you need to…
DOWSERS TELECONFERENCE happen on the third Mondays Monthly American Society of Dowsers Chapters: The Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA),Greater Boston Dowsers (Westford, MA) & Northern California Dowsers (Redding, CA) presents “2022 Prediction Party” with Chapter Leaders from around the country. Find out what each chapter has planned for the new year and their predictions. This meeting will begin with psychic Margaret VanLaanMartin. January 17, 2022 5 PM PDT/ 6PM MDT, 7PM CDT, 8PM EDT Join our free Conference Call to…
January 5th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers Presents “NUMEROLOGY AND YOU” By Yana Gocmanova Numerologist and Wellness Consultant Saturday, 5 January 2019 Meeting at Noon LOCATION: Shasta County Library Community Room 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001 Suggested Donation: $5 (voluntary, not required) Snacks & refreshments always welcomed & appreciated Numerology is an ancient science, closely related to astrology. It’s simple and easy calculations require only very basic math. The difference between math and numerology is in the definition of quantity and quality. Knowing…
September 22nd Meeting
Northern California Dowsers Awarded “Best Website 2017” Barney Turner for “Outstanding Chapter leader” Pearl Nicolino for “Legend Award” AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS’ CHAPTER Presents “HIGH TECH MAP DOWSING” With Sharron Hope, MA Dowser, Spiritual Consultant, Instructor, etc. Saturday, 22 Sept 2018 Meeting at Noon LOCATION: Shasta County Library 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001 Suggested Donation: $5 (or any other amount). Snacks & refreshments always welcomed & appreciated. Sharron Hope was awarded “Chapter of the Year” for her Gold Country…
July 29th Meeting CANCELLED
Dear Nor Cal Dowsers, Due to the Carr Fire we will not be having our scheduled dowser meeting on Sunday, July 29th at the Redding library. We invite all who are interested to focus their thoughts on an end to this devastating fire. Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone effected. Thank You. Blessings of Love, Jeannette & Nor Cal Dowsers Team Northern California Dowsers AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS’ CHAPTER Presents “WEST COAST DOWSERS CONFERENCE SUMMARY” by NCD Members Sunday,…
June 9th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS’ CHAPTER Presents “DOWSING ROUNDTABLE & L-ROD SEARCH” by NCD Members Saturday, 9 June 2018 Meeting at noon LOCATION: Shasta County Library, Foundation Room 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001 Suggested Donation: $5 (or any amount you choose… voluntary, not required). Snacks & refreshments always welcomed & appreciated. Experienced and novice Dowsers welcome. Share dowsing stories, explore questions, and dowse. Bring your L-Rods or materials to make a pair. Any questions call 530-222-2024 …
May 5th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS’ CHAPTER Presents “USING PHYSICAL DOWSING AND MENTAL DOWSING FOR CLEARING LOCATIONS” by Wayne Hoff Saturday, 5 May 2018 Meeting at noon LOCATION: Shasta County Library, Community Room 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001 Suggested Donation: $5 (or any amount you choose… voluntary, not required). Snacks & refreshments always welcomed & appreciated. When clearing houses and other locations, using both physical dowsing tools and mental dowsing tools can improve your ability to find and…
April 8th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS’ CHAPTER Presents “ILL = I LACK LOVE” by Pearl Nicolino Sunday, 8 April 2018 Meeting at 1:30 LOCATION: Shasta County Library, Community Room 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001 Suggested Donation: $5 (or any amount you choose… voluntary, not required). Snacks & refreshments always welcomed & appreciated. Pearl Nicolino’s acronym for “ill” is “I Lack Love”. The third chakra is where self esteem and many other things happen. She’ll be talking about conditions…
March 17th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS’ CHAPTER Presents “DOWSING” by Nor Cal Dowser Members Saturday, 17 March 2018 Meeting at noon LOCATION: Shasta County Library if fewer than 20 people the Reading Foundation Room (1st Floor) if more than 20 people the Computer Room (2nd Floor) 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001 Suggested Donation: $5 – $10 (voluntary, not required). Snacks & refreshments welcomed & appreciated. This meeting is focused on dowsing. It will cover getting into an ideal…